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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative 1100

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I just ordered a standerd 300 flex 1100 and a inno graphite shaft an a inno blade, I was curios on what the grip is on them its polar fiber right? Oh and just out of curiosity dose anyone know if Federov use a fused or a 2 piece?

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I just ordered a standerd 300 flex 1100 and a inno graphite shaft an a inno blade, I was curios on what the grip is on them its polar fiber right? Oh and just out of curiosity dose anyone know if Federov use a fused or a 2 piece?

It depends, wether what you ordered. If you got the shaft the,it is either Polarfribre or Soft Grip, but if it is a one piece fused it should be Soft Grip.

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It's a standard shaft, Iv'e never used an inno shaft before so I wasn't sure on the grip. I am guessing its polar fiber because thats what it says on the inno site, and soft grip is extra money from what I've seen in the seach hmmm.. I am hoping I'll like it somting new to try out sounds good to me thanks guys.

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