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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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'Long Distance' Custom Skates

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I realise theres been a few of these recently, but this is a slightly different issue..

Im currently wearing vapor 40's, heel was OK until a recent achilles injury which has caused bursa 'issues'. I'll not go into the details.. I'd be happy to stay in bauer, but would concider alternatives. Im thinking skates from the supreme range would most likely fit my feet better than the vapors, but surely if im going custom that both vapor 40s/one95s/flexlites that were made for my feet would all fit the same!?

Unfortunately living in the UK I cant simply see my local bauer rep to have them fitted, having met the guy I discovered he reps for almost every sports company and knows absolutely nothing about hockey. Could anyone recommend to me a company that would order me custom skates using traces, measurements and specifications I can send to them?


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Im fairly posative that www.eastwesthockey.com does full customs through the mail. Ive had them do mounting for holders and tongues but never changing the boot shape but I know they do that as well. Im not sure how they go about it (foot pictures, measurements, etc) but you may want to give them a holler and see what they say.

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Rather than order custom skates you should probably look into having a local shoe repair place use a boot punch to punch out a little area where you are having problems. It is a pretty low cost solution and is just as effective.

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