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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate boot stretching

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I have a V shaped foot, and was looking at some graf g5 in reular for the heel and was wondering if you can stretch the midfoot to a wider size. Let me know if any one has tried this. oh ya does the reg reeboks run about the same width as the bauers 1 90.

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I believe the RBKs run wider but could be wrong, and as far as widening a boot, there is a process called "punching out" which does this, but it depends on how much wider you need to go.

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In my experience in trying on the RBKs and the Vapors, they are straighter/boxier fit. The One 90s are more narrow in the heel and wide in the forefoot like a Graf 735. Between my One55s and Graf 735s, the Grafs seem to have a wider toe box. Both fit snug in the heel.

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you can stretch it and gives you a little bit more room


Most LHS will have a 'boot stretching machine'. The machine will simply push out the boot, the process takes about 24 hours, but more time doesn't hurt. Not 100% on this but im pretty sure you can get 1/2 a size in length and width.

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If you have a narrow heel, go with the G35 over the G5 since it has the same fit up front, with a narrower heel than the G5 would have.

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