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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate fit question?

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I have problems with Stealth s15 beacuse it is breaking down so fast, even the newer generation. I haven't got any bigger lhs in the area around me so I have to order or book a weekend of traveling to get to try on skates. Right now i don't have the time beacuse we have some very important games in the near future.

So my question is. What skates do fit the same way like Stealth s15 (10.5 W if it helps)??

I have VERY boney/bumpy Heels and I would say a pretty wide forefoot. The heels have always been my problem when buying shoes specially skates. I am looking forward to hear your opinions, it'is no hurry.


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Try a Graf 735/G35 in W. It has a narrower heel with a wider forefoot. If the heel is too tight on the 735/G35, RBK might be a good option, though their heels are a TON wider.

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I have problems with Stealth s15 beacuse it is breaking down so fast, even the newer generation. I haven't got any bigger lhs in the area around me so I have to order or book a weekend of traveling to get to try on skates. Right now i don't have the time beacuse we have some very important games in the near future.

So my question is. What skates do fit the same way like Stealth s15 (10.5 W if it helps)??

I have VERY boney/bumpy Heels and I would say a pretty wide forefoot. The heels have always been my problem when buying shoes specially skates. I am looking forward to hear your opinions, it'is no hurry.


What price point are you looking for?

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I agree with the graf statement but if the G35s aren't wide enough you should try the g70's in a wide. They have a fairly wide fit all around.

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