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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 TPS R4?

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Since the website won't let me search "TPS R4", I had to make a new topic about it.

Is there any way I can find information about this stick? Its on sale at my LHS in the intermediate flex, I would like to know more about it, since its usually impossible to find TPS int. flex sticks around here.

I found that the 2008 TPS R4 was 80/20 Carbon/Fibreglass, 515 grams. Is the 2007 stick approximately the same?

I wish they were clearing out R8's instead :(

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I finally found a TPS R6 Armor INT shaft - but for double the cost of the R4. Is it worth it? I'd have to get a blade too.

Is the R6 (100% carbon) that much of an improvement over the R4?

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