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NHL GMs "Hits to the head are OK"

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Well, apparently no suspension, only a fine. I'd love to know now what constitutes an intentional shot to the head.

He stayed on his feet and kept his elbow tucked in. Given the recent history of NHL suspensions and his stature, I'm shocked there was even a fine. As long as you don't do the other stuff, the NHL will let you go for the head.

From the angle in the clip it looked like Malkin jutted out his elbow just as Simmonds was skating by, who appeared to have no intention of making contact with Malkin. And from Simmonds' reaction it appeared it hit him square in the head.

His elbow was completely tight to his body through the entire hit, watch it again. I agree Malkin took an opportunity to hit someone that wasn't expecting hit, my point was that the way Malkin hit him did not meet any of the criteria that the NHL normally uses for suspensions. Those criteria being; leaving your feet or leading with the elbow.

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