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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS response wood blades

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So I picked up a TPS wood blade at my LHS tonight after our game. It's an Afinegenov (sp) curve, which is close enough to the Thornton curve, as they don't stock many CCM blades.

Anyway, it says below the hosel "Pro-Stock #661" then the name.

Is this only a marketing thing, or is it actually pro-stock.

It was cheap so I'm thinking it has to be just a marketing thing.

Anyway, sorry to ask a stupid question, was just curious, and you need 4 letters for the search, so TPS +blade +prostock didn't give me what I need

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Marketing. All of their products at retail are marked pro stock now for some reason. Head back to the LHS and see if the same "pro stock" blades are available in both left and right hand in the 4 or 6 standard TPS retail curves- that would be a pretty good indication.

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Marketing. All of their products at retail are marked pro stock now for some reason. Head back to the LHS and see if the same "pro stock" blades are available in both left and right hand in the 4 or 6 standard TPS retail curves- that would be a pretty good indication.

That's what I figured, but wasn't sure. Don't care if it's pro stock or not. It's close enough to thornton in CCM that I'm happy, and $20, so not a bank breaker either way.

Just was curious as to why a retail blade would be marked pro-stock.

It was the last TPS blade (right or left) in the shop at the minute, so I couldn't compare it to anything.

I figured MSH wouldhave the answers

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I'm pretty sure all of their Response sticks have them (maybe not the latest, haven't looked at those in person), you can look at hockeymonkey's R8 gloves and see the "Pro Stock" patch on the underside of the wrist for the retail models.

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