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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X:60 or S17

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Tried on a pair of 17s yeaterday but they were too small. The heel lock was real good though and they looked pretty solid. I can't wait to see the 60s. If the heel pocket is small enough I might get some. I have a credit at my LHS and I'm jonesing for some new wheels. My old 705s have had it and I'm ready to get out of Grafs.

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We wont really find out till after the release of the 60s...

Weather its the 60/50/40s or S17s. Just pick what fits you the best. But don't limit your self to those to manufacturers. Try on others as well. Last thing you want to do is buy a skate and not be happy with them.

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So is the X:60 skate better or the S17 skates, are better?

Define 'better'.

If you're wondering which will make you a better athlete; neither. There isn't a pill or piece of athletic equipment that will negate one's level of 'suck'. With the limited amount of information provided, I can only assume you're asking which skate will make YOU BETTER. If you suck...you suck. High-end anything isn't going to help & actually will do the opposite.

If this is the case & you're looking to become a better player - save your $$$ and get some close-out skates. Use the rest of the cash you didn't spend on high-end skates and take a power-skating class or a 24hr gym membership. There's no replacement for good conditioning & proper technique.

Remember folks: Blame the Indian...not the canoe!

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I think he was refering to the skate in terms of fit, durability, features etc. You can't tell which one is better because you don't have both skates to try on, but if you want a subjective opinion based on nothing, I think vapor is better because it's bauer, because easton has had problems with the durability and because the new vapor is the first bauer branded only in a few years, so this product is going to be the brand's image and I don't think they would launch a piece of crap with issues. At the end of the day, Bauer is the brand with the most pro players and is the brand with the most experience while Easton is the brand with the most issues when it comes to skates in terms of durability

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performance wise ive always found easton better but the durability with the composite boots was lacking.if the durability has been sorted as they claim, i reckon easton can stake a big claim in sales.

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