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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stickhandling question

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I've been practicing off ice with a tennis ball and a toilet paper tube on my bottom hand. First off, when I play I tend to dribble closer to the heel. When I try to dribble the tennis ball it tends to bounce a couple of inches after hitting the blade. I cup the puck on both sides and dribble in front of my body. I dribble about 12-18" back and forth and try to keep my hands pretty close together.

I noticed if I dribble closer to the toe it will "stick" to the blade (at least on the forehand side). Also, if my hands are farther apart it is easier to stick the ball on the blade.

My question: Is there something I am missing technically to make the tennis ball stick to the blade? Is it even possible to stickhandle from the heel and make the tennis ball stick to the blade?

I am concerned that I am doing something wrong and want to correct it before it becomes a habit and then harder to break.

Thanks in advance


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The first step is to not refer to it as "dribbling." ;)

Seriously though, just keep handling a puck as much as you can. I've found that messing around with tennis balls is more suited for people trying to work on eye-hand coordination, like tipping pucks out of mid-air (Gretzky said the same thing in his book). You may want to invest in a FlyPuck or one of those stickhandling balls....both of them are great training tools for stickhandling because the weight simulates the weight of an ice puck. BTW, since you only player roller, practicing with one of the aforementioned tools will only help your stickhandling in roller because of the lighter weight of a roller puck.

Just my .02....good luck :)

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if you dont have anything else i have found a golf ball works much better then a tennis ball

If you want something that is bouncier than a golf ball, look for a floorball ball.

They bounce like mad. We have to use them for one of our beginner clinics. We arent allowed to use pucks because most of the kids are only wearing bicycle helmets. You can still stick handle them through cones, but if you chop at it, it goes flying.

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