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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Soon to buy my first pair of high(ish) end skates!

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I'm a pretty big guy (6', 215 lbs.) and play defense so I'm kinda rough on my skates and block my share of slappers with my skates- usually NOT on purpose. I just started playing regularly in a men's league so it's time for me to upgrade my skates. Budget is $300 max. Here is my situation. I'm looking for any advice you might have. And yes, I'll be trying on A LOT of skates at the LHS!

I'd appreciate any input from the MSH experts!

I currently use a 3 year old pair of Nike Flexlite 9s in size 10d. They are my 2nd pair of skates (previously used an SMU pair of 792 Tacks from PIAS that lasted 7 years). The Flexlites have the perfect amount of room in the toebox (I have a pretty wide foot). But I think the depth is a bit too shallow. If I tie them too tightly I get a lot of pain on the outside of the foot. I just discovered the "pencil test" here on MSH and tested the skates last night. No pass. I have to push the pen down against my foot to get it to touch the boot. They skates were fine when I was playing pickup twice a month as the pain was bearable. But now that I'm playing more regularly they're not doing their job.

A teammate gave me an old used pair of Graf Supra 705's (probably 5-6 years old). I used them for about 4-5 games and LOVED the stiffness of them. I could turn with much more confidence and there was no pain. I'd have kept using them but they seemed heavy to me and they're slightly too big lengthwise.

So I'm heading to my LHS on Wednesday to be properly fitted. Last time I was there I took a quick look at his stock and saw a few options in my budget. Note they do not carry Easton or Mission.

* XXV - From what I've read here over the past couple weeks the Vapor line runs very narrow so this may not be an option.

* Supreme 70 - I read they run wider and could be a good fit. But what about the Lightspeed 2 Power lexan holder? Pretty serious durability issues, right? I'd hate to blow my budget on skates only to end up having to replace the holders.

* CCM Vector v8 - Sounds like a decent skate. Was concerned about going to the rocket runner but they’ve received rave reviews on MSH.

I'll also take a look at the RBK 5k and if they have it, the U+09.

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haha you dont even understand...we both play defense, we are both in the market for new higer end skates with the same budget, we both have flexlite 9's in size 10D, we both have wide feet and get pain if tied too tight..i used to own higer end skates...i always had the newest vapors out..when the vapor XX's came out i was on those...but then the money wasnt there so i bought cheaper skates...but i def will follow this thread, because i could have been the one writing it..i have the same questions...ive been thinking about switching to a EE for the width just because my feet are like squished after every game and practice..

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I'm a pretty big guy (6', 215 lbs.) and play defense so I'm kinda rough on my skates and block my share of slappers with my skates- usually NOT on purpose. I just started playing regularly in a men's league so it's time for me to upgrade my skates. Budget is $300 max. Here is my situation. I'm looking for any advice you might have. And yes, I'll be trying on A LOT of skates at the LHS!

I'd appreciate any input from the MSH experts!

I currently use a 3 year old pair of Nike Flexlite 9s in size 10d. They are my 2nd pair of skates (previously used an SMU pair of 792 Tacks from PIAS that lasted 7 years). The Flexlites have the perfect amount of room in the toebox (I have a pretty wide foot). But I think the depth is a bit too shallow. If I tie them too tightly I get a lot of pain on the outside of the foot. I just discovered the "pencil test" here on MSH and tested the skates last night. No pass. I have to push the pen down against my foot to get it to touch the boot. They skates were fine when I was playing pickup twice a month as the pain was bearable. But now that I'm playing more regularly they're not doing their job.

A teammate gave me an old used pair of Graf Supra 705's (probably 5-6 years old). I used them for about 4-5 games and LOVED the stiffness of them. I could turn with much more confidence and there was no pain. I'd have kept using them but they seemed heavy to me and they're slightly too big lengthwise.

So I'm heading to my LHS on Wednesday to be properly fitted. Last time I was there I took a quick look at his stock and saw a few options in my budget. Note they do not carry Easton or Mission.

* XXV - From what I've read here over the past couple weeks the Vapor line runs very narrow so this may not be an option.

* Supreme 70 - I read they run wider and could be a good fit. But what about the Lightspeed 2 Power lexan holder? Pretty serious durability issues, right? I'd hate to blow my budget on skates only to end up having to replace the holders.

* CCM Vector v8 - Sounds like a decent skate. Was concerned about going to the rocket runner but they’ve received rave reviews on MSH.

I'll also take a look at the RBK 5k and if they have it, the U+09.

If you like the skates you're wearing now, why not concider a new pair? the new models are lighter than the older ones. I'd assess you're foot type and have a look at the corresponding Graf model. You know what they say about better the devil you know, if you're having no problems I'd stick with Graf.

Whats the condition of them after 6 years, just out of interest?

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The Grafs I have now are slightly too big for me. I'd consider new Grafs but they're way out of my price range. The boots are in decent shape aside from the normal nicks you'd expect from 5 yr old skates. The Cobra holders show some battle scars as well but nothing that hampers performance at all.

Plus, since the wife gave me the green light I simply would LOVE to buy some new skates! :P

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The Grafs I have now are slightly too big for me. I'd consider new Grafs but they're way out of my price range. The boots are in decent shape aside from the normal nicks you'd expect from 5 yr old skates. The Cobra holders show some battle scars as well but nothing that hampers performance at all.

Plus, since the wife gave me the green light I simply would LOVE to buy some new skates! :P

fair enough, they're cheap here (UK) compared to all the other brands! £300 for retail grafs, £500 for top the range NBH.

If you've got tall wide feet i'd stay well away from the vapors and look at the supremes. cant comment on the vectors.

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I'm heading to the LHS today after work and I'm still wondering if I should steer clear of the Supreme70 as an option due to the lexan Lightspeed 2 Power holder's durability issues. I've read conflicting reports: first that the holder breaks far too often, and second that it's the same as a regular holder but looks worse because it's a clear material.

Any thoughts on this?

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A suggestion I am borrowing from a similar thread is this idea.

The NBH Supreme Comp is between a One55 and One75, I believe this is a SMU for Source for Sports here in Canada, I don't know if you could find it in the states.

You haven't said where you are from.

Anyways here is a link to what I am talking about.


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Thanks for the suggestion. I live in NJ so the comps won't be found here. I want to keep my business with my local LHS. He takes care of me with free sharpening all the time. So I feel I owe it to him to buy from him.

I was comparing specs this morning and broke out the possibilites by price:

1. Low price: Bauer One55 vs. CCM Vector 6 - skates seem pretty similar in their specs. Tech nylon vs "Vectorwear I" (whatever that is). Tuuk LS2 vs. Eblade Pro.

2. Mid price: Bauer Supreme 70 vs. Bauer XXV - Again, skates are very similar except the holder. I am nervous about going with the 70's LS2P holder. This choice could come down to fit though as Vapors run narrow from what I've read.

3. Mid-high price: CCM U+09 vs. CCM Vector 8 - With the exception of the U+Core foam they seem identical.

4. High price: Bauer One75: Would love to get these skates but they're out of my range. Maybe the LHS is having a sale today? LOL :P

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You seem to be limiting yourself a bit here.

I have a pair of 9k pumps and they are awesome, got them as seconds from my LHS for a screaming deal. But they also have the 7k and 5k lines...that may be in your price range, and may do the trick.

I wouldn't think those holders are going to be too too bad, unless you are playing a lot and in a high calibre league. I play Friday morning shinny with a former Junior A Player that plays one D2 game a week and the Friday Morning Hockey and wears the skates with those transparent LS2 holders and I haven't seen his rupture, shatter, or anything...the Guy is over 6' and around 195-200lbs or so.

Also, I know the feeling of being committed to your LHS, but it is not your fault if you are limited to options that may not be the best for you just because he/they don't stock a certain product.

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Thanks Johnny. Appreciate the advice. I'll see what he has in stock in my size and if the perfect skate is not there I'll politely explain that I have to look elsewhere.

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Well, I tried on several skates tonight - the XXV was WAY too narrow and the CCM V06 was as well. There was nothing else in stock that interested me and available in my size. Finally though, I found the perfect fit for my mile wide feet with RBK. Unfortunately, the 9k was out of my price range. But I got a nice deal on the 5k in 9D. They are definitely a step up from my Flexlite 9's.

Planning to try them out on Friday night so I'll report back.

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I've now worn my 5k's 3 times and I really like their stiffness compared to my old flexlite 9's. However, my right heel is KILLING ME!

After my first 1.5 hours with the skates I had a blister on my right heel. I figured I didn't tie the skate tight enough or pump it enough to ensure good heel lock. So the next time out I concentrated on that, using the lace lock technique on the top 2 eyelets. It was much better but I still felt some slight discomfort. Played last night and now my heel is in major pain.

Any suggestions? Might thicker socks help? I use the bauer skating socks now. Should I try a different lacing to get a better heel lock?

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If you haven't baked em yet please go or if you already did just go again :)

its gonna open up the skates a bit more for your feets.

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