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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherbrook SBK

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I have played a couple game with the SBK DK21 ops stick.

I really like the feeling of the stick, feels great overall. The grip is amazing.

The gloves are very well done as well.

I also enjoy the fact that these products are all made in Canada :)

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I have played a couple game with the SBK DK21 ops stick.

I really like the feeling of the stick, feels great overall. The grip is amazing.

The gloves are very well done as well.

I also enjoy the fact that these products are all made in Canada :)

I told ya'll

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This is great news for SBK :)

The fact that they paid to be the "official" goalie gear of the ECAC is great news? It doesn't mean that anyone is going to use the gear, just that teams now have the option of purchasing from them. Given the peer pressure in that age group, I wouldn't expect them to make a lot of progress right away, now matter how good the gear is.

Most kids I've seen in that situation do not enjoy the gear very much, nor feel pressure from teammates to wear them. Sometimes it's the coach that encourages/mandates the equipment.

I was talking about the peer pressure to use the big name brands.

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Ah, then agreed on that point, I misread thinking that they would be pressured to use the SBK stuff.

At this point, SBK seems like an attempt to salvage the Sher-Wood brand without any wood connotations..

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Hasn't Sherbrook been around for a while? I still have a Sherbrook stick from the 90's. It came with two plastic InGlasco blades.

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I have played a couple game with the SBK DK21 ops stick.

I really like the feeling of the stick, feels great overall. The grip is amazing.

The gloves are very well done as well.

I also enjoy the fact that these products are all made in Canada :)

Is the protective equipment also made in Canada? (gloves, shoulders,.....)

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*cough* Sherwood *cough*

Seriously...what the heck is this? Some disgruntled Sherwood employees started up their own company?

I mean:


It is two of the guys who were top guys at Sherwood and also Jimmy Waite (old Blackhawks goalie). The equipment is good. I have two pairs of gloves, a pair of pants and three sticks from them and they seem to be better then some top of the line stuff I have bought in the past

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Man, people here get awfully agressive here towards these smaller companies, but I'm starting to see why.

Their website is not boring, but it's not helpful either. Hmmm, am I interested in awesome fitting gloves, or good fitting gloves, or great fitting gloves?

This is just one customer's view, but I think small companies like this can try one of two paths to success. One is to admit that you don't have anything novel, but beat the big boys on price (significantly so), and eventually convince people that you are close enough in quality.

The other way is to actually be innovative and try crazy things. Different materials, new designs, offer more options not less, etc. But you have to be able to make your case using words with actual significance, not just "quality", "awesome", "pro." If you can't tell how you've built a better pant, how can some message board reviewer?

Instead these companies keep trying this middle route, asking us to trust them and try them. Because they really like hockey. And/or used to work for one of the big companies. And/or their prices might be slightly better. The whole message reads "Try us, you might like us better, though we can't say exactly why." And maybe I will, because I'm dumb and addicted enough. Most people won't. Don't blame us if you fail.

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