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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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plantar fasciitis

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Hey jrhky, I posted this on another thread about plantar fasciitis and figured I'd also post it here to help anyone out. If you have a more specific question about it just let me know :)

Best thing to do with plantar fasciitis is to stretch them prior to your first step in the morning. Its a result of a tightening of the fascia overnight when you sleep as a result of overuse. The mainstay treatment is to have a towel by your bed and prior to getting up in the morning loop the towel over your toes and to stretch the sole of your foot for a few reps and hold it. Also, if your willing to go the extra mile, you can get a roller or something hard and shaped like a soda can and sit on the side of your bed in the morning and roll your midfoot on the object for a bit to stretch out the fascia. If you do this for a while it should help with the pain and hopefully get rid of it. Icing it just decreases the pain you feel and some inflammation. Hope your feet get better!

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