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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do I find search for shorter than 4 letters

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If I want to search for Kor, or Supreme 55 etc, it won't work. Unless someone has the RBK5k altogether or something, I can't search

If I'm looking for a specific thread on something, I'll do a title only search, because if you look for +reebok +skate you hit almost every thread, so it becomes impractical.

I'm just looking for info on the 5k or the supreme 55 but because they are less than 4 letters, it's hard to get it.

Not a complaint, but just a suggestion for maybe lowering the threshold on title searches.

I can just keep going to the next page until I find a topic, but thought I would throw this out there into the suggestion box

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It's not a feature that we have any control of. But, if you use google and search (for example):

kor: www.modsquadhockey.com

you will get results.

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Just to add on to that, to search specifically this site:

From Google.com, type in your search terms followed by site:modsquadhockey.com.

So for the above search, you would type "kor site:modsquadhockey.com"

And that would search just this website. Works great.

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