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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off Shore Jerseys

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Have a small business and am looking to possibly import some practice jerseys from overseas. Anyone have any tips or ideas of how to go about this? Have had a few people interested in makign a stick too, but that sounds a little too complicated for me...

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This is something I'd be interested in, as well as CHL (Champions, not Canadian) jerseys which are apparently very difficult to get.

Sorry I dont know of anywhere though :P

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Have a small business and am looking to possibly import some practice jerseys from overseas. Anyone have any tips or ideas of how to go about this? Have had a few people interested in makign a stick too, but that sounds a little too complicated for me...

Can you elaborate.

Where overseas are you importing them from, what country are you in

Are you in Europe and importing from the US/canada, or what?

Have you examined the market for the jerseys in your area, and if you can be competitive with other options, such as online purchasing and established store purchases.

More specifics please

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