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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Two-Piece stick question

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Im planning on buying a two-piece stick and was wondering how long it takes for the glue to dry? I was hoping to use the stick tonight and was wondering if that is possible. Any help would be great.

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I don't think you need 24 hours, I have gone 1-2. THe main thing is that you need to wait for is the shaft to cool and the glue to dry. And since it is very similar to hot glue, it shouldn't take long.

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I've always run the shaft under water to solidfy the glue, I've always wandered if it did anything positive or negative, but hey old habits....

talking from a metal point of view...i guess it'll harden, it might affect how it sticks a little and maybe how brittle it is, just my guess though

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I've used one 20-30 minutes after the blade was in and there was no problem. Then again I've always been in the habit of putting a strip of tape along the hosel to make it fit more snug, albeit, more of a bitch to get out.

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