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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just acquired a sami salo mission ti-pro and the curve is a lil re-donk-u-lous (unlike the 120 flex of course :blink: )

so i was wondering if its possible to pull the blade out cleanly like an R8 or Dolo?

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Is it a legit "TI Pro" ie: spearshaft taper? The few pro stocks I have seen didn't have that awkward-shape taper.... if not, based on my experience with Mission pro stocks - I would say yes.

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it is a legit pro but not sure if its the spearhead for i do not remember what the spearhead particularily looks like but if i took a guess i would say yes it is

my problem is its a lidstrom curve with a round toe not to mention its a 120 flex :(

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it is a legit pro but not sure if its the spearhead for i do not remember what the spearhead particularily looks like but if i took a guess i would say yes it is

my problem is its a lidstrom curve with a round toe not to mention its a 120 flex :(

Could you not just saw it down and it it doesnt fit in stick a blade in the other end?

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it is a legit pro but not sure if its the spearhead for i do not remember what the spearhead particularily looks like but if i took a guess i would say yes it is

my problem is its a lidstrom curve with a round toe not to mention its a 120 flex :(

Could you not just saw it down and it it doesnt fit in stick a blade in the other end?

not many people want a 120 flex, let alone something thats even higher because it's been cut...

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