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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boot vs shoe size charts... all lies!

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For online shoppers that don't have a local hockey store to try on all of their skate purchases, finding the right size can be impossible...

I mean, I have some Rockports in a 10, some Adidas in 12, some Asics in an 11.5 a pair of New balance in 11.... based on this information I am "supposed" to be able to tell what size skate to get off of a chart like this?:


(shows Bauer is 1.5 sizes different)

or this?:


(which shows Bauer as being 1 size smaller

I know that I wear a 9D in Bauer, that's about it as far as skates go, but if i want to get a pair of missions... what do i order?. Depending on the chart you look at, some say NBH is 1-1.5 sizes apart from your shoe. So based on my shoe sizes above, and minus either 1.5 or 1 from those, I should be in the 8.5-11 range for Bauer.

That is way to big of a range. I already know i need a 9 in NBH though. If I apply the sizing chart to some missions, I am in the 10-12 range, still not good.

I could probably make a pretty good guess If I knew for sure what the actual size difference was for NBH. If I knew it was just one size difference, then i could just add 1 to my Bauer skate size (9+1=10). But if it is a 1.5 size difference, then (9+1.5=10.5). I'm uncomfortable buying a pair of skates if I don't know if they will fit perfectly or not (I intend to wear them for at least the next 10 years). The Bauers fit so perfectly too, my toes just graze the end and I never have any pain wearing them, not a single blister ever in them. I have been spoiled by a perfectly fitting boot, but it is falling apart and I need something new.

If anyone has some Missions and Bauers and can tell me what size they are wearing in each and how each of those skates fit them, it could help me make a decision.

Even if you just have 2 different skates in two different brands, go ahead and post it. We can make our own sizing chart to help the MSH community. Make sure to mention how they fit you (toes cramped, toes graze the end, got some growing room... etc) If you got them power stretched or anything like that, go ahead and mention that too.

Thanks a bunch in advance MSH, I know you can come through.

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Since the Bauers work out so well for you, why not stick with them then?

Btw, I'm a 8.5D in Bauers, and 9 in Missions. At the end of the day, its about what fits you best.... am sure the rest of the guys here will chime in

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It all depends on how you wear your shoes and skates. Most people fit their shoes for comfort, so their toes don't touch, while they wear their skates tighter for performance. That information is not included in standard "NBH is 1.5 sizes below shoes" measurements.

Regardless, here is what I have:

CCM V08: 7D (toes touch)

RBK 5K (goalie): 8D (intentionally fit looser than the CCMs, toes touch if I stretch them)

Tour Code 1 (inline): 8.5D (toes don't touch)

Sneaker (New Balance): 10D, but I could wear an 8.5-9 if I wanted them to fit tight like skates.

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Since the Bauers work out so well for you, why not stick with them then?

Yea, I can't stand the Bauer tuuk one-up chassis - it's crap imo (mine is all bent out of shape), and before you tell me to put another chassis on it, I would rather buy something already put together by a pro. It would cost more to get the boot and chassis separate anyway, I'm already paying for the one-up chassis if i buy a Bauer boot.

Basically I need a new boot, and Bauer inline is behind in the technology department at the moment. I have been looking at the Mission Commander Black 09 model because I like the old hi-lo setup, and the new vanguard intrigues me a lot because of the larger front wheels = higher speed.

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You sound like you absolutely need to go to a LHS to get fitted. Your foot size is all over the place, even in shoes. When you say there isn't one around you, how desolate do you really mean? An hour drive could end up saving you a bit of money in the long run, between the online retailers "restocking fees" and shipping.

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I used to always fit anyone in a bauer 1.5 under their shoe size. Anything else ranged, although usually only went down one size. Like anything though, it's going to be personal preference. No one will be able to tell you what is going to fit properly without you actually sticking your foot in the boot.

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You sound like you absolutely need to go to a LHS to get fitted. Your foot size is all over the place, even in shoes. When you say there isn't one around you, how desolate do you really mean? An hour drive could end up saving you a bit of money in the long run, between the online retailers "restocking fees" and shipping.

I hear you on this. I don't know of anyone in at least 6 hours that might have the Mission Commander skate exactly, but at about a 2 hour drive, I can find at least some mission skates. Like at dick's sporting goods or something they probably have the cheap d/c/bsx ones, at least they might fit similarly. Where my parents live (2 hours, but at least i have to go visit them anyways), there is a LHS, but no one plays roller around there, so its all ice gear, and they don't carry mission ice skates... which I don't think exist anymore anyway.

When I'm in season at least my team has to travel to St. Louis/Denver/Dallas to play, where there are a ton of hockey stores. But we practice for about a month before we start doing games, and that seems like good break-in time to me. You might be able to see why I want to get them before the season starts. Practice starts in October, games start in November so I guess I have plenty of time.

Main reason this problem comes up is because sometimes the Mission Commander goes up on ebay for mega savings. I wish i knew my size, for instance right now there are some 10D's up for 300$. Auction only lasts 7 days, its got 2 days left now, and I'm not going home till May at least, where the possibility of trying on mission skates exists.

I guess I might just have to wait until I do try a pair on and then hope that, whatever size that is, goes up on ebay.

edit: Just looked on ebay again, those 10D's are at 325, but a store just put up a bunch of them in a bunch of different sizes for 350. I'm not really worried about their ebay rarity anymore :D

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If I did have to wager a guess, I'd say you were a 10.5 in Missions. I had a pair of Control Series in Size 10 and I now have NBH One95's in 8.5.

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I wear an 8D in bauer and an 9D in mission although i really feel i need an 8.5D in missions after break in.

How do those Bauers fit you? Do your toes touch?

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I wear 8 in Vapors and 8.5 in Missions with both fitting me correctly, if you're deadset on the Commander Black then try Inlinewarehouse since they have free return shipping as long as you don't use or bake the skates. Since the Vapor and Supreme lines run a bit differently in width you might need to look at EE Missions if you're in Supremes

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Btw, I'm a 8.5D in Bauers, and 9 in Missions. At the end of the day, its about what fits you best.... am sure the rest of the guys here will chime in
I wear an 8D in bauer and an 9D in mission although i really feel i need an 8.5D in missions after break in.
I wear 8 in Vapors and 8.5 in Missions with both fitting me correctly, if you're deadset on the Commander Black then try Inlinewarehouse since they have free return shipping as long as you don't use or bake the skates. Since the Vapor and Supreme lines run a bit differently in width you might need to look at EE Missions if you're in Supremes

My ice skates are vapors, I fit fine into those.

3 people have posted so far that they are a half size difference between mission & bauer. I'm thinking that is pretty good estimate. I might start by ordering a 9.5. The eBay guy doesn't have half sizes though :(

Thanks for the tip on inline warehouse too, no restocking fee, no return shipping, free shipping all around. That's way too awesome, but they are 60$ more then eBay still. If I wanted to be a mega douche I could order some on inline warehouse and see if they fit and then ship them back and order the right size on eBay... but that way too much douche for my brain to handle.

Anyone know how long it takes for the price to drop on skates after they come out? Does the new line have to come out before the price starts dropping on the Syndicate Black line?

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