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Harry Kalas Passes Away at 73

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Aww shit, I grew up listening to him do phillies games. His voice and cadence when calling games was amazing, unlike anyone else I've heard without that becoming a bad thing. Over the last few years I would turn on a game just to listen to him, not really caring about the game itself.

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It is truly a sad day for Philadelphians. Harry has been calling Phillies games since my father was nine so of course, I grew up listening to every game. My parents said I used to ask to listen to the games to fall asleep when I was little. Watching ESPN today when the news broke, I cried. Hearing guys like Michael "Jack" Schmidt and John Kruk talk about him was really sometime. I do not know if I will be able to listen in to the games anymore. At least not for some time. I feel terrible for the guy who comes in to replace him.

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Most likely will be Tom McCarthy. He was doing the game today, and before the game started, him, Chris Wheeler, and Gary Matthews were all very emotional. Matthews couldn't hold it in anymore and they had to cut off from him because he started tearing up. Truly a tragic day for Philadelphia. Harry the K will be greatly missed

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