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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supplement question

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I've used Animal Pak before (its the container of a million little bags of daily vitamins right?)

Smelt like crap, and just did a number on my body (shakes, chills, sweat, pee turned green) not to mention was pretty gross taking it. Depends how dedicated you are, I wasn't about to sacrifice feeling like shit so I stopped and resold it to the coworker that told me to get it. And I'm pretty sure he resold it to a customer lol.

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I've used Animal Pak before (its the container of a million little bags of daily vitamins right?)

Smelt like crap, and just did a number on my body (shakes, chills, sweat, pee turned green) not to mention was pretty gross taking it. Depends how dedicated you are, I wasn't about to sacrifice feeling like shit so I stopped and resold it to the coworker that told me to get it. And I'm pretty sure he resold it to a customer lol.

Your urine will turn green with pretty much any potent multivitamin, its just your body pissing out excess vitamins and minerals it doesnt need. As for the rest of your side-effects, ive never ever heard of that happening.

Anyways to the OP, youre better off going with a cheaper multivitamin like centrum or whatnot. IMHO Animal Pak is a waste of money.

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