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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Car Question

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Hey just a quick question for some reason when i rev my car past 2.5 rpm it starts making an odd clicking type sound... Sounds like a piece of paper hitting a fan. The weird thing is once i hit 3 3.5 rpm it goes away and back to the normal sound. I have a 2007 G5 so it is not an older car in any means.

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My first guess would be that you have a loose heat shield as well (a previous poster's fell off). Something about the frequency of the engine spinning at those RPM's causes it to vibrate making the noise. Since it's not making noise all of the time I would say that it's barely loose. I'm sure someone else will chime in and let you know for sure. You might want to shoot a PM to Darshu. He seems to know what he's talking about.

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My first guess would be that you have a loose heat shield as well (a previous poster's fell off). Something about the frequency of the engine spinning at those RPM's causes it to vibrate making the noise. Since it's not making noise all of the time I would say that it's barely loose. I'm sure someone else will chime in and let you know for sure. You might want to shoot a PM to Darshu. He seems to know what he's talking about.

hahaha wow, just wanted to say this was exactly what I was going to write, even the Darshu part. He does seem to know what he's talking about.

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My first guess would be that you have a loose heat shield as well (a previous poster's fell off). Something about the frequency of the engine spinning at those RPM's causes it to vibrate making the noise. Since it's not making noise all of the time I would say that it's barely loose. I'm sure someone else will chime in and let you know for sure. You might want to shoot a PM to Darshu. He seems to know what he's talking about.

hahaha wow, just wanted to say this was exactly what I was going to write, even the Darshu part. He does seem to know what he's talking about.

It's even funnier because he already did and I said exactly the same thing as you :)

A follow up question though -- does the frequency of the sound follow engine RPM or does it seem to be independent of engine speed?

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