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Hockey Blog (RSS Feed) Recommendations?

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So I've been looking for some more quality hockey blogs or RSS feeds to read. Preferably either blogs about a whole league, hockey technique not just NHL team blogs. So far the only hockey blog I read regularly is Jame Mirtle's blog 'From the Rink' which covers the NHL mostly. I'd be interested in other leagues too and I'd be especially interested in any blogs or feeds that cover technique, skills or training but they seem super rare...

Does anyone else have any hockey related blogs or RSS feeds to share?

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I'm addicted to RSS feeds. I recently un-subscribed from a lot of feeds. Many of the feeds are biased for a specific team. I got sick of hearing how team A is so great and everyone else sucks. Mirtle's feed is an exception. Other than feeds for your favorite team, NHL.com and ESPN.com have hockey feeds. TSN doesn't have a specific hockey feed. All sports are lumped together. Hockeyherald.com also has feeds.

hope this helps some

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Here's what I subscribe to:

Puck Daddy - funny stuff related to NHL news

Illegal Curve - rounds up all newspaper NHL coverage

PuckUpdate - good in-depth NHL stories

Spector's Blog - breaks down big news well

And locally:

JMS Hockey (for pickup times)

Star Tribune Wild

Russo's Rants (MN Wild beat writer)

MN Wild RSS Feed (official)

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sorry Daniel. Jarick mention some feeds I used to subscribe to. I couldnt remember what they were since I canceled them. Thanks for the Weiss hockey link

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