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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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who pays for NHLers gear?

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I would say that guys average about 3-4 pairs of skates a year. So if a guy wanted 10 pairs he might have to call the manufacturer with his credit card. Some guys might use 2 pair others 5, but 10 pairs is a bit extreme.

maskateguy...what would you estimate about the number of sticks per player per year ?

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Funny looking maybe... :D

:D You should see him drunk!!He gets to looking real funny then... Hey drop me a call when you get a chance I may have something for you..

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If you've watched NHL channel "Day in the Life" one player hinted at going through alot of sticks and he offhandedly remarked they weren't too happy about it. Remember there was a day when teams used wooden sticks which we all know are infinitely cheaper. I remember reading this was a sticking point in the CBA. 20 players snapping $200 sticks over a season adds up to way more dollars than using wooden sticks.

That was Scott Hartnell.

He was using Warrior at the time, and has since switched to Bauer sticks. I often wondered (in jest) if the EQM of the Philadelphia Flyers (Derrick Settylmyre) received some type of kickback from (Nike) Bauer to get players in their gear, or if the Flyers are getting some type of discount. Just about every player that comes to the Flyers has switched to Bauer sticks. (Lupul/Warrior, Knuble/Easton, Coburn/Easton and Timonen/Warrior the exceptions)

Derek and the Bauer rep have a long history dating back to when Derek was with the Phantoms about 10 years ago. Also that rep almost lives in the Flyers room.

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I saw a youtube vid of the Canucks assistant EQM guy giving Canucks TV a tour of the players facilities... The "Dry Room" the Locker Room, the Stick Room, the Tech Room, the Lounge etc.

He said that most players will tape up and prep one new stick per game, and then have two or three on hand carried forward from previous games/practices... and then there is like a locker setup where they store the brand new twigs...


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Alrighty.... fascinating.....

What about college teams?

My good friend played for Harvard and he said he never "paid for anything"... but I have never inquired about the breadth of his gear during collegiate time.... any insight as to the financials of college teams?

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Had a friend who played with several teams in the AHL, where obviously the teams are working with less revenue...always told funny stories about how hard it was to get a new pair of skates from the team when he played for Providence (notoriously cheap team).

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Had a friend who played with several teams in the AHL, where obviously the teams are working with less revenue...always told funny stories about how hard it was to get a new pair of skates from the team when he played for Providence (notoriously cheap team).

is that the bruins ahl team? lol didn't think they'd be cheap

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More shit to think of is travel expenses. Travel Cases for Everything, portable sharpener, Skate/Glove Dryers by the dozen Bags of Spare Gear. And there's the Washer and Dryers, not just your Sears model, Huge Industrial Strength, probably 2 or 3 of each. When I was WMU, the EQM got to get 1 brand new travel case cuz they recently changed their logo color scheme, I don't remember exactly the price, it was either 2 or 5K. I'm sure NHL teams have a handful of these on every trip. Sure it's a One time purchase, as are the W/D, but Expensive ones.

Although I thought I saw somewhere where the Home team supplies the portable sharpener and work bench supplies/riveter, skate/glove dryers etc now, to save on every team lugging all that heavy equipment around.

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Good point there, didn't think about other events... Can't Imagine the room at MSG with all the different events through there. When I make my millions, AND MILLIONS...I wanna just go take a Tour of all the venues and get into the guts of the building. See the zam room, compressor room, crap like that. Just so fascinating all the behind the scenes stuff that goes on.

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I have been at the Forum for Dancing With The Stars and PBR Bull Riding changeovers. It was pretty cool seeing them haul in dumpsters full of dirty and throwing it on the (covered) ice. And then I went back a few days later and not a speck of dirt to be found.

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In one of the more recent editions of the New England Hockey Journal the Bruins GM stated they spend $400,000 a year on sticks alone. Pro stock sticks cost over $100 a piece but lets just say that to make it easy. Thats roughly 4000 sticks a season or 160 sticks per player on a 25 man roster!!! And if my memory serves me correct i remember reading on here i believe how Danny Heatley went through 16 dozen sticks in a season and rarely ever uses the same stick in multiple games!!

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I remember back in 98, both Darren McCarty and Igor Larionov were still using wood sticks. Mickey redmond mentioned in the playoffs that Larionov had gone through the least amount of stick on the team, at 13 broken ones. McCarty had broken the most, at over 200. Now imagine guys breaking composites a lot more often, and you have larionov types breaking 50-70 and McCarty types breaking 300 or so.

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League wide deal.
Anyone know how the Gatorade contract is dealt with, for bottles, towels, drink, coolers, etc?

Right, I get that, but I mean specifics. Gatorade Buys the rights from the league, but do teams still have to pay for their items, or is it provided through the deal?

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I buy everything. What can i say, im generous person?

In all honesty, whats $400,000 a year to billionaires? Not to mention probably over 50% of that is given to the players for nothing, if not more. The endorsements seem to be left and right.

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I buy everything. What can i say, im generous person?

In all honesty, whats $400,000 a year to billionaires? Not to mention probably over 50% of that is given to the players for nothing, if not more. The endorsements seem to be left and right.

You're an idiot. How about reading this thread?

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I buy everything. What can i say, im generous person?

In all honesty, whats $400,000 a year to billionaires? Not to mention probably over 50% of that is given to the players for nothing, if not more. The endorsements seem to be left and right.

You're an idiot. How about reading this thread?

Okay forum nazi, i was just saying it seemed unreasonable to me to believe that most of the nhl players gear was paid for.

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Leafsrule16 - go back and read through everything. What you said has been either disproved or mentioned that it is not the case. Even with Endorsements teams still have to pay for gear. What seems unreasonable about it? The NHL probably accounts for the largest purchasing group for most of the brands. Why would they give away gear to their largest customer.

If you owned a software company would you give your software away to every large business that placed a huge order, and only sell to consumers? Maybe a bad example but I'm hoping you'll see my point.

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Yes i 100% see your point and that i was wrong, but theres no need to come across as a jerk about it. I was going by speculation and stuff i heard and didnt read all the pages before i commented. Sorry about that one.

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