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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Help ASAP with XXX skates bake time and temp

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I just bought my brother his first pair of skates for ice, it's the bauer vapor xxx. I know that they can be baked, my question is how long should they be baked for and at what temp. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I believe it was 2-3 minutes in the bauer oven. My LHS put them in for 7 and ruined two pairs of mine. My recommendation would be to not bake them. (just an opinion.)

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take them to your LHS and have them do it. It's the safest bet.

I'm not trying to do it at home, I just wanted to know so that i can tell them what to set it at when i get them baked

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i got my missions baked for 5 min then had to chill in the proshop for 15 min for them to form. my skates came with a piece of paper that said bake for 5 min. but take them to your lhs and they should know for how long

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take them to your LHS and have them do it. It's the safest bet.

I'm not trying to do it at home, I just wanted to know so that i can tell them what to set it at when i get them baked

Your LHS doesn't know how long to bake them? Perhaps it's time to find a new LHS? Or did you not purchase them from your LHS?


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Regardless of the skate make/model, we put ours in mission ovens for 5 minutes.

And that is the reason bauer had to replace two pairs of xxx's for me lol. Honestly, the recommended bake time is so minimal it never seemed to do much to the fit, and anything longer damages the boot. I'd really recommend just wearing them as they are.

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