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Practicing shooting at home.

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Hi Guys,

I am looking for some help with things I can do at home to work on my shooting.

I have the following to use;

A Goal, A board to shoot off which the puck slides really well on, 10 pucks, a space in the back yeard which is probably the equivalent of shooting from just above the hash marks and below the tops of the circles.

I have been out there a few times since the season finished and just practiced picking the corners, for example shooting all 10 pucks bottom left, then all 10 bottom right, then top left, then top right. I have found this ok but not really challenging as once I find my range with the first couple of pucks it is easier to keep picking that same corner.

I was just wondering if anyone else has any other ideas that they do at home to work on their shooting and any kind of drills that will help to translate back to game situations once the new season comes around.

Thanks for help in advance.

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try getting snap shots nice a quick. probably the most used shot as a defensemen if your covering the point. umm i always try to shoot about the blocker. i took spray paint and marked were a goalie pad would be if the goal was in the butterfly pos. and i just try to get it a minimal height. if you have a buddy i would try working on deflections. as in him shooting and you trying to deflect it

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Take a look at what Heater does :50. You can also get a look at his setup and if you have the cash buy some of the stuff to have the same setup as he does.

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If you pay defence like I do every now and then I practice taking shots from about the point that will give prime rebounds. I know they are expensive but if you can get a tape 2 tape you ca use it to practice taking shots at the corners fast off of the pass same with your backhand.

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