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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Bauer 8090 Opinions

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I need new skates and since Cyclone Taylor has these for $290 I'm thinking that the Bauer 8090 would be great. I have a pair of Nike V12's that I've had for a year, I played about 12 hours on ice a week from last september until about march, my V12's are still useable but they have seen better days. I was wondering if I will really gain anything by going to the Supreme 8090's. I've used Bauer 7000's and they were good to me. So will I gain anything by going to the 8090's and those that have them what were the pros and cons of them.

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i've seen my friends v12s and i have had 8090's for about 4 months, IMO the 8090's are going to be a bit stiffer and lighter as well as having less forward flex than the v12s but the 8090's really are an amazing skate, try them out if you have the right foot shape.

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