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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Calf/Bone Pain

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I'm getting rather severe calf and/or bone (by my calf) pain when I skate recently. I felt similar pain after I injured my ankle about a year ago, but now it's back in both legs without an ankle injury. It doesn't hurt when I play basketball. Any idea what I need to do or where this is coming from?

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It feels like the calf. I used to get shin splints when I played bball in high school, it seems different. When I ice my legs down, it feels like it's the bone on the side near my shin that hurts.

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It feels like the calf. I used to get shin splints when I played bball in high school, it seems different. When I ice my legs down, it feels like it's the bone on the side near my shin that hurts.

I think you can get shin splints in the front and rear

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I think it is your muscles not getting enough blood to them. This happens to some people during strenuous leg exercises, especially if they are wearing tight shoes or skates. But it sounds like you should definitely go see an orthopedic specialist if you really want to know what's causing the pain.

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