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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet Sticker/Certificate

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I just got my new helmet in. I took the ear flaps out (they kind of care about that rule sometimes), but I can easily put those back in. I'm hesitant to remove the stickers because it's permanent, has anyone actually been called out for not having the stickers?

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You're far more likely to get called on the ear flaps. USA Hockey pushed officials to enforce that a couple years ago.

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You're far more likely to get called on the ear flaps. USA Hockey pushed officials to enforce that a couple years ago.

Alright good, that's what I was thinking. if I do get called for ear flaps (happened once my whole life) i have a pair in my bag to just slip over the ear loops, instead of taking the time to screw them in mid game.

But is it safe enough to remove my stickers?

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