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Rounded square toe benefits?

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So if there are any other threads explaining this... Just post the link so I can read.

I have always used pure rounded toes for my blade... My arsenal of 1 on 1 moves mostly contains toe drags.

I know the benefits of the ROUNDED toe - and the SQUARE

On the way - is a SE16 Iginla curve/blade. I wanted to try something else for a change other than the zetterberg/forsberg/malkin curves provided by easton/nike-bauer.

What are the benefits of the Rounded square toe? Would this effect any of my game play?

My only guess ( and let me know if I answered my own question ) - is that it just combines the ability to pick pucks off the boards just like a square toe but gives you the versatility to execute toe drags/moves

If there are any others out there that have gone through this change/transition- I'd love to hear how you have done... or a simple explanation from anyone out there would be nice:)


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u pretty much got it, theoretically you also get a lil help on slapshots but i barely notice anything different...i prefer rounded squares coz i like that fraction of a second extra feel i get on my shots...

there's a lot of different rounded squares too...there could be ones where the bottom part is literally a round toe and the it just squares off if you get what i mean

others like the iginla have a smaller curve on that bottom part and thats the ones i like

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Good stuff- Thanks for the prompt reply.

I just haven't read anywhere on any website about rounded square toes and the benefits of it so I figured why not start a thread!

If anyone else has any other input- posssssst :P

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I always assumed that square toes were more for defensemen. Just figured it was for more surface area when playing defense and blocking stocks etc.

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Very true.

this toe isn't purely squared off though. It kind of reminds me of the datsyuk blade.... its a rounded square... Well- When it gets here.. i'll test it out.. regardless .... it's an SE16 :) and I wouldn't mind having an se16 backing up my ONE95 sticks.

--to avoid starting another thread... IF ANYONE else reads this thread and has input for my next ?? - post please :)

I went with the 75 flex... the 85 flex is good enough for me. 100 is too stiff... but I feel that the 85/87 flex is still not... "flexy enough" & it shows in my snap/wrist shots.. My slap shots with the 85 flex are rockets but it's not providing the "whip" effect I need it to...

What is the draw back of having a stick flex like a 75 if I'm use to 85/87?

I don't know how accurately I remember something I read but it stated that if a stick for the player has too much flex.. it may produce a much faster harder shot but the accuracy will lack?...

Now- I've been playing hockey since I was 12. But as goalie.... 5 years ago i made a switch to forward & I'm loving it. SO please bare with my lack of knowledge towards sticks. I know enough...But :-) where are all the stick savvy ppl???

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I personally find that square / rounded square toes are good for just about anything. I feel like it gives a bit more margin for error on toe drags because the toe itself is has more surface area. I also like short blades, so it maximizes surface area for the blade I have. The key is to try it and see how it works for you. I thought square toes were strange until I used them and realized how much I like them.

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