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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Information about 04-05 Lockout

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Hey. I'm writing a paper for one of my business/gov't/society classes (bullshit) and I managed to convince the prof to let me do a case analysis on the NHL lockout, opposed to the US auto or economic bailouts.

Anyone know good sources where I can learn some details about the lockout. I hit up wikipedia and looked at their references.. but I need some more academic sources.

Also, this thing is due at midnight so Mods please delete the thread after today.


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There is a book that came out that was pretty interesting. I don't know how helpful it will be. Good luck.

Red Line, Blue Line, Bottom Line: How Push Came to Shove Between the National Hockey League and Its Players by Marc Edge

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