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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need some new skates

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I need some new skates, I am currently using mission s500's and they are the best fitting skates I have ever had. What new skate is most like the S500 boot wise? Every other skate has hurt my feet except the S500's.

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just try every skates you can find. depends on what type of foot you have.if you have flat foot, i think graf is great. btw i don't have mission skates, so i don't what skates that have the same fitting. but, mid-end skate today is meant to be baked to give you more comfort.

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If the Missions fit you the best I'd go for the newer 120 or 110 AG's or XP's. They are on close out right now at some great prices and I'd snag a pair because Bauer has bought out Mission/Itech as of this year and they're not going to be making Missions anymore. Damn shame because Mission was making some great equipment at reasonable prices and where a great alternative to the more expensive popular brands.

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