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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tongue Flopping

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Anyone flop on their original tongues? Or are they usually replaced with longer ones?

Pics would be great...

I did this with my old school Bauers back in the day and was thinking of giving it a try.

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I have 100% stock g9's that flop like a beauty. Ill post some pictures tomorrow, the only thing i used to flop them was a pillow some tape and 2 or 3 days. I sat pillows on the tongues to hold them down and put a bit of tape on them taping the tongues down, they have been perfect since then. I wish other manufacturers would come out with stock tongues yo can flop or at least have a decent custom program, its frustrating.

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I got 705's.

I did a search also but couldn't find any specific threads.

Yeah if i was to do it, it would come out like this...


I noticed he covers the back of his boot with his sock also, not sure i like that.

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I got 705's.

I did a search also but couldn't find any specific threads.

Yeah if i was to do it, it would come out like this...


I noticed he covers the back of his boot with his sock also, not sure i like that.

Were you referring to my previous post? If so, its just that when you tape them you dont tape them down flat, you tape them to the desired position, you can do it right off the mold on a fresh pair of skates and it works too. Ill post up some pics of my flop later just to show how if anyone's interested.

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Yeah post some pics, im just curious how it would look or it just going to be a bitch with the stock tongue and i shouldn't even bother because its too short.

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