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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new labeda wheels

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Labeda has come out with a new wheel for indoor tile,(the addiction)they have an outdoor hardness but has a very good grip for indoor plastic tile.I think they come on the new tour skates.anyone have any feed back on how much these wheels will be going for?and performance feed back?

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nothing yet.... waiting for my LHS to get them in. I think they said 12 a wheel. I'm looking forward to these because I play on outdoor sportcourt so it chews through soft wheels but is too slippery for medium wheels.

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Ive used the original red Addictions, the pink Addictions and now the Orange ones too... I think theyre a great wheel.. very durable, great grip.. no complaints at all... but I also love the green fuzions, which many people do not like, so do with my opinion what you will.. haha

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Ive used the original red Addictions, the pink Addictions and now the Orange ones too... I think theyre a great wheel.. very durable, great grip.. no complaints at all... but I also love the green fuzions, which many people do not like, so do with my opinion what you will.. haha

how long did the addictons last? ( when ive used labeda wheels they didnt last very long)

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Not sure if this is against the rules but just wanted to see if anyone had tried these wheels yet?

seems too good to be true...

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Not sure if this is against the rules but just wanted to see if anyone had tried these wheels yet?

seems too good to be true...

yup, put about 10 hours onto mine so far. not a chip crack or scrape, they still look brand new and stick like you'd want them to.

10/10! ! ! !

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Both IW and Monkey have the wheels at 14 ea, my LHS finally got some in at 13 ea. After putting a few hours on them, they seem to be a good wheel, but I personally don't think they're for me. There is a little bit more of a break in to the wheel than Rink Rat Hornets or Revision Signature Series.

The feedback to your feet is much more distinct. The Hornets I've been using the last several months seem to smooth out the ride, where with the Addictions you get a very responsive feedback on a tiled floor in regards to feeling all the little grooves. The part that really gets me is turning and cutting. the Hornets and Bronze Revisions prior I really felt like I stuck turns and cuts, where with these I haven't slid out or had any issue but the feeling isn't confidence inspiring because I didn't feel like I was sticking the turn the same way.

I will say they felt better than my last experience on Labeda wheels a few years back, so a step in the right direction. Pricewise I don't know that they warrant that much higher of a price over the Hornets and Revisions, but to each their own on that one.

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Nice review

I suppose if they last twice/3 times as long as the hornets, it makes it worth it - and you'll have more time to get used to the different feel

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well my set is for sale, I'll be sticking with Hornets or Revisions. To give reference to people who also play ice, it's like going to a shallower hollow on the feel where it might be fine, but it has that looser feel turning and cutting and may not be comfortable for everyone.

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