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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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college, my dorm

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Nice digs, this weekend I was visiting my friend up at SUNY Brockport, he's in a suite, so he has a decent amount of room. I was able to fit a king size air mattress in his common room.

Eat shit thats wher ei go and am right now!!!

what dorm? im in gordon

Be careful: I've heard that Brockport has one of the greatest percentages of people with STDs in the country.

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Nice digs, this weekend I was visiting my friend up at SUNY Brockport, he's in a suite, so he has a decent amount of room. I was able to fit a king size air mattress in his common room.

Eat shit thats wher ei go and am right now!!!

what dorm? im in gordon

Be careful: I've heard that Brockport has one of the greatest percentages of people with STDs in the country.

I'm actually not really at all surprised to hear that, I can pick out at least 3 girls from the floor that I was on that are probably diseased. Either way, next time I'm up there I gotta keep my guard up.

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Thats sweet i live in hilton, ny. About 15 minutes from brockport.Im only in HS but its cool there are people near me who are on the board.


no doubt hit up b-port sometime

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