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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weeknight Open Hockey in Conneticut

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I'll be in CT all week and I wanted to know if there are any rinks within like a 30 minute drive from New Milford that have open hockey at night.

Thanks in advance.

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Milford Ice Pavillion might have a few skates, I know Northford also has a few skates but those are earlier in the day, I know they have one thursday from 4-530, could also try wonderland in bridgeport

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You might want to try shelton. The ice is great and they have nightly open hockey sessions. Not usually packed, so you'll get your money's worth in ice time

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Danbury and Ridgefield are probably the closest rinks to where you'll be that will still have ice down this time of year. Give them a call. Shelton just took up their top sheet so open hockey will be cut back on plus thats probably a little over a half hour away from New Milford. Good luck.

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