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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bent knee stances and knee joints..

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hey fellas i was just thinking about something and decided to post it up. when you have an aggressive forward pitch to your skates a-la graf you knees are bent, does it cause alot of stress ont the joints opposed to skating flat on bauers and other skates with slight or no forward pitch? i find that i skate much better with a bent knee stance and an aggressive forward pitch more agile better acclerations and better overall skating but i believe its being hard on my knee joints or maybe its just in my head?

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You can't do anything without bending the knees....

While i am not a doctor, nor do i play one on TV, bending your knees is natural and puts you in a more athletic position which enables you to absorb stress and twists much better than if you were in a more upright position. I would think it is in your head...

And heed the advice my peewee football coach gave me.... "Son, as soon as you stand upright, well that's when you get drilled".

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When I had a forward pitch on my skates I could feel it in my knees, too. I think it's because the body's centre of mass is moved forward, so there is more shearing than if the centre of mass were centred. The bending of the knees is about the same for me with forward or neutral pitch.

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When I had a forward pitch on my skates I could feel it in my knees, too. I think it's because the body's centre of mass is moved forward, so there is more shearing than if the centre of mass were centred. The bending of the knees is about the same for me with forward or neutral pitch.

thats exactly what i was thinking.

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