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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Blades

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I have a one 55 shaft and want to get a good blade for it for under $40. I would prefer a wood/composite over composite... thanx for the help :)

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what do you mean a "wood/composite" you mean like a hybrid... just buy the Easton blade that comes like that... you're better off just buying composite blades in my opinion...

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If you look around, you might be able to find some older Montreal CMX blades kicking around. Pretty light, great feel, durable as hell. Not sure if they'd be considered a hybrid blade or not, but they're great.

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I'd look at the Montreal M95 blade, it's wood with an ABS core/bottom, so it seems to be thinner and hold up better than wood blades but still has the wood feel.

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If you can still find them...Koho C21 blades. They are wood with ABS core.

C21 is the pattern. 2260 Crossover is the blade model.

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Im lookin for something on the heavier side to improve my stick handling abilities but i dont want it to be full wood because it could break easily.

since i like to bend the blades to my custom curve i also need a good blade because on the ones i had before the fiberglass covering would come off

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If you are just practicing stickhandling, why dont you just get a normal blade and tape some coins to the bottom of the shaft? The coins add quite a fair bit of weight and gives you a good workout.

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If you are just practicing stickhandling, why dont you just get a normal blade and tape some coins to the bottom of the shaft? The coins add quite a fair bit of weight and gives you a good workout.

or just get a heavier puck...

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If you are just practicing stickhandling, why dont you just get a normal blade and tape some coins to the bottom of the shaft? The coins add quite a fair bit of weight and gives you a good workout.

seriously...just tape them to the bottom of the shaft and they will stay??? What kind of tape do i use?

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