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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Apple Ipod by HP

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Stupid question but im not a computer nerd but what is USB or FireWire. And can you only use it on Mac computers?

FireWire is 50x faster than USB 2.0 and its not mac only, windows too.

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because this seems to be a general thread about MP3 players/ ipods now...

for the sony "ipod" (the one with the good batter), is it true that you can only copy/transfer ATRAC files 3 times? I really want to get one but if i can't control my how many times i use my files, it's seriously not worth it

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Stupid question but im not a computer nerd but what is USB or FireWire. And can you only use it on Mac computers?

FireWire is 50x faster than USB 2.0 and its not mac only, windows too.

Firewire is about 50 times faster than USB 1.0. Firewire and USB 2.0 are virtually identical in transfer speeds.

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With the iPod HP can you use it on other Windows instead of only 2000 and XP like the Apple one or is it the same?

You need 2000 or XP.

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