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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sizing help. Vapor XXXX are too big.

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Hello, first post here!

I recently purchased a pair of Nike/Bauer Vapor XXXX, size 10D. While trying the skates on, I was debating between a 9.5D and a 10D. My shoe size ranges between an 11 and 12. I made the purchase, baked the skates, and skated in them a few times. The 10D has become increasingly big in length since then. I have a lot of heel slippage and a ton of bending, especially in my left foot. I am a good skater, but my left foot has “buckled” underneath me a few times since I bought these skates. I have tried Superfeet insoles, but they didn’t help at all.

I am just asking opinions on what type of skate and size I should look into.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I provided a picture of my feet for reference. Notice in the pictures my feet are not straight, I have a “duck” walk.



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same with me I just put thicker insoles in mine , but im gettin supreme one90's in my size in about a week if they are to big nothing to do but keep em or get new ones in your size.

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I've noticed this too. I've been in 10D's since HS and never once had a problem until I got newer Vapors. I too put thicker insoles in and it helped...but I'm about to order a pair of XXXX's since they're on clearance now and might just get 9.5D's instead to fix the problem.

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I've noticed this too. I've been in 10D's since HS and never once had a problem until I got newer Vapors. I too put thicker insoles in and it helped...but I'm about to order a pair of XXXX's since they're on clearance now and might just get 9.5D's instead to fix the problem.

that should work, bro mine were big and i get reallllllllllyyyy bad inside big toe rub on the boot and it gives me blisters and its so hard for me to give my all in the third period. I want to cry

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neverrrrrrrr!! I wouldnt buy grafs at all lmaoo , bauer or easton! FAH DAYSZZ lol

You wouldnt buy Graf, but you'd buy Easton? That is odd..

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neverrrrrrrr!! I wouldnt buy grafs at all lmaoo , bauer or easton! FAH DAYSZZ lol

You wouldnt buy Graf, but you'd buy Easton? That is odd..

ye i was just about to say that lol...personally i'll go ccm over eastons too

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hmm..its hard if the skates is too big. i think it would be best if u sell yours and buy another one that fits perfectly.

btw, what brand that you hv before u bought that vapor?

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hmm..its hard if the skates is too big. i think it would be best if u sell yours and buy another one that fits perfectly.

btw, what brand that you hv before u bought that vapor?

Hey guys, thanks for all the replies.

As for my old skates, they were a pair of Nike Quest 2.

I've noticed this too. I've been in 10D's since HS and never once had a problem until I got newer Vapors. I too put thicker insoles in and it helped...but I'm about to order a pair of XXXX's since they're on clearance now and might just get 9.5D's instead to fix the problem.

I may just end up buying a new pair in 9.5D. These skates are amazing, and I want a pair that truly fits. Now I just need to decide if I want to bake them or not.

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I've started to notice as I break in my XXV's there is more room in the toecap, I'm not sure if I'm just obsessing over nothing, the heel locks fine and they feel good, I'm just curious because my old skates my toe went right up to the tip, is not being able to touch the end of the toebox ok? heh.

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