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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXXX vs. ONE95

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Personally I have much more behind my shots with the one95. I think it's due to the location of the kick point though, more natural for me. With the xxxx I can still get some real rippers off, but it takes more conscious effort.

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The on95 has awesome feel and the shots seem to really unload quickly, probably the best stick for taking slapshots on the market. The XXXX is by no mean bad, but much more tailored to finesse players who take snap shots & wrist shots. But in reality, you can play and shoot great with either stick, both are top of the line, it's just a matter of where you like you kickpoint to be.

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ya i got a pro stock Bourque One95 at the flames equipment sale a couple weeks ago. i find that shots seem to unload a little faster. I was never a fan of the XXXX i found that my wrist and snap shots were actually better with the One95

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