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What do wood sticks generally weigh?

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I'm having a discussion with someone and would like to know what wood hockey sticks these days generally weigh. I'm thinking 550-600 grams given that most composites these days are what, 410-450g?

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Lightest: CCM Vector U+ CL: 405 grams

The top sticks are generally 405-455 grams. The Dolomite HD roughly being one of the heaviest top sticks [445 grams.] 550-600 isn't that bad. A Warrior Bentley matches your description [590 grams.]

Probably around your estimate. The Bentley is 590 grams, and is probably similar to a woody. I've never actually weighed one though.

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i weighed a easton zcarbon wood stick which had a hybrid composite blade and wood shaft.

it was one of the lightest wood sticks at the time was about 600g from what i remember, uncut, retail.

most wood sticks were heavier than the z carbon.

weighed with commerical approved scale.

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I recall the Z-Carbons being extremely light. I remember Nike making a Zero-G stick. Anyone know the approximate weight on this thing?

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