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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Golf Clubs

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I'm planning on picking up a new set of golf clubs. I just started playing golf about a month ago. which clubs do you guys think would be the best. i dont want to spend more than 250 canadian.

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You should be able to get a set of Tommy Armour clubs for that price. It's tough to find a good set for that though.

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You should be able to get a set of Tommy Armour clubs for that price.

I bought a set of Armour 845 Oversize irons two years ago, and I really like them alot. They're very easy to hit, and they have some very nice pop to them. They hold up well, too; I usually play about 90 or so holes a week during the summer and they are still going stong. Great set of clubs.

Check E-bay. One of the guys on my hockey team, who spends most of his free-time on the course with me, got a set of Nike Slingshot irons for $400 USD. They weren't the Golf Digest Irons of the Year for nothing - they really are incredible clubs.

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