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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Royal (brand) Hockey Pants

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I could have sworn there was a post about these a while back but I could find nothing in the search.

I owned a pair of Royal hockey pants back in the day and have been trying to find something similar for a long time now.

They had these sort of weird individual octagonal pads throughout the interior of the pants that were really comfortable and really protective. They also had a really protective lower back protector. The reminded me a lot of Tackla pants in how they were constructed.

Is there anything similar to these?

I noticed the Tackla 951's looked very similar but those seem to be a lower end pants, though I could be wrong.

Any ideas from anyone that might even possibly remember these pants?



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You may need to call /email them, but www.hockey1.com had boxes of Royal pants a couple of years ago. I'd be willing to bet that they are still there.

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