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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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StL Blues sighting

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Thought this might be of some interest....

With the unfortunate lockout, most teams' players have scattered themselves among various activities. Kind of a funny situation here in St. Louis. First off, Chris Pronger is going to Wash. U for a degree in accounting.

Here's the kicker....several players are playing in a no-check Mens house league in Brentwood (suburb of St. Louis). So far, Bryce Salvador, Jamal Myers, Keith Tkachuk, and Doug Weight have been spotted last night but several others are also playing. Tkachuk and Weight are on the same team! After the house league schedule was finished for the night last night, the Blues players invited everyone to a local bar where they paid for everything. Yeah that was a looooooong night. Sun didn't quite come up but it was getting there.... I'll try to grab some pics next week.

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Did you guys hit Steak & Shake by the Galleria after that?

:D No Steak N' Shake that evening! The particular bar mentioned was M.P. O' Reilly's. Not sure if that was around when you were in town Lego.

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Sounds familiar, but since I can't think of where it is, maybe I don't know it. S&S is a close 2nd to getting a cheesesteak after a night of drinking. For some reason, all that grease helps with hangovers or if you've had a few too many.

The only reason I brought it up is because I've seen some players there before.

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It seems that these Blues players have re-discovered what it feels like to play the game because you love it, and not for the $$. I'm glad to hear about it. I never thought that Tkachuck would be the type of guy to buy rounds for the gang, but kudos to him and the others. Always thought he was a greedy bastard and crybaby after the holdout...

EDIT: Good for Prongs to go and get his university education...finally, a man who is keeping his options open AFTER hockey...

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First off, Chris Pronger is going to Wash. U for a degree in accounting.

Alot of NHL players are well educated. Alot of them put a good emphasis on school and that there is a trend going towards NCAA rather than Major Junior as well.

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