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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 10 Helmet

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I gotta get a new helmet for a new team im on... Any suggestions? I was thinking about the ccm vector 10, any feedback on it?

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I gotta get a new helmet for a new team im on... Any suggestions? I was thinking about the ccm vector 10, any feedback on it?

I have had a V10 and a V08 (as well as S7 lately) and feel the V08 is the better of the two helmets in the bang-for-buck category. The V10 has a thin/dual-density liner and that is the only noticeable change between it and the V08.

I have a V08, but in a size too big. I went to order a size smaller to see it was on backorder and opted for the V10 instead (at twice the cost). It is a good helmet, but the V08 was just about equal for half the price.

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I've never tried teh V10, but have the V8. The V8 has VN foam I believe, and is very comfortable.

The foam in teh V10 is slightly thicker, so you might want to double check the sizing before buying (I'm a L in the V10, and M in the V8

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I went from a Jofa 690 to the V10 and while the helmet itself is more comfortable, it is HOT compared to the 690. If you play in a hot rink for inline this might not be the best helmet.

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