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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey in Pensacola Fla?

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I'll be moving to Penscola Florida after the rubble has been cleaned and all is well again, and I was wondering is their recreational hockey in P'cola? Adult league stuff or at least drop-in? I hope so, because I live in denver and hockey is booming. I'm scared... no hockey... how does that work?

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Drop me an IM or PM and I can give you emails and/or web sites for everyone you would need to contact. One thing that is unfortunate at the moment is that the civic center (only ice in town) sustained some fairly significant damage. So much so that there is talk the Pilots may have to suspend ops for the season. I tend to doubt it but if that is indeed the case there likely won't be any ice this year.

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Like I said, I'm not going down their right away. But I will definately conact you (Jay) before I head down there. I'm used to the seasonal ice thing too, the 6 on 6 off thing, it's like when I lived in Texas (Corpus Christi). But yeah, thanks for the info fellas very much appreciated.

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