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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapour XXXX glove fitting.

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I have been looking at purchasing a pair of vapour XXXX pro gloves. Because of the tighter look and fit of the gloves I have noticed that alot of the players are using 15" gloves. I am currently using a nike bauer 4-roll in 14".. if i was to switch to a 15" pair of xxxx's would i feel much difference in size.. moving from a 14" bauer 4-roll to a 15" vapour xxxx.

i appreciate you taking the time to read this.


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From my personal experience, I currently wear 13" 4-rolls and when I tried on a pair of 14" Vapor 40s it fit quite similiar to the 13" 4-rolls. Definitely a tighter fitting glove in the Vapor 40s. I'd recommend trying them on in store if you get a chance but you should be fine going with 15" Vapor 40s

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awesome, exactly the responses i was looking for. I think im going to buy a pair of 40 pros on ebay. if anyone knows where i can find some good deals please let me in. 14" or 15". thanks

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i was thinking good deals outside of ebay. but thanks. user topshelfgino is who i usually buy off and he has some decent gloves..

thanks guys.

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