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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AHL Rule change

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Kind of interesting. I honestly don't think it will last. I feel sorry for the guys in the "A" somtimes; they are constantly being used as guina pigs for the NHL. Still should be kinda neat to see though.

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Say theirs a loose puck between the goalie and the forward (the forwards in alone) and the goalie comes out and has a jump on it.

What is legal or illegal

Playing the puck of the boards?

Poke checking it away?

Sliding with your pads?

I just need the clarification.

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As I understand it, once the puck crosses the goal line the goalie can only play the puck inside that box. If he can get to it before it crosses the goal line, he can play it as well.

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