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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel Questions/Advice? **

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Last year I purchased 2008 CCM Vector 10.0 Roller Hockey Skates and I have since broken two of the Rink Rat MB816 microbearing wheels that came with the skates at their cores. My questions are:

- Which 688 bearing wheels are best for this boot? (FYI: I am 6'3" / 210 and play indoor NCRHA on a sportcourt..)

- Should I continue to maintain the 80-76-76-72 wheel set-up? What are the pros/cons of this?

- Also I have had problems with the single axel system, I have heard of people using adhesive glues to fix this, is there any other alternatives or does this work well?

Thanks for your help in advance,

~ 77

Link to skates: http://www.hockeydogs.com/ccm-vector-10-0-...s---senior.aspx

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as for 688 bearing wheels,I would go rink rat hotshots xx.these wheels in my opinion are the best wheel for the dollar.Im in at 200lbs hard power skater.I go hotshot xx in front and back and hotshot xxx in the middle.this works for me ,but everyone is different.and what was the problem with the axels?

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Thanks for the advice on the wheels, I tried looking for a place to buy micro bearing hotshot xx's but couldn't find any, can someone link me to an online shop that has them?

Yes, the single axels keep coming loose because if I over-tighten them then my wheels get locked up, but I will try the locktite and see how that works...

~ 77

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You can't change the wheel set up without incuring a bunch of problems. The chassis is designed to have that set up. If you change you'l have wheels not touching, etc. There are a couple threads on this. If you REALLY dislike the set up, your only real option is to change chassis.

The MB816 are the only micro bearing wheels that Rink Rat makes, I think iceburg19 may have confused his bearings. However, you can buy what are called "floating spacers" or "self centering spacers" which allow you to use 608 wheels (the standard size) with single sided axles like yours. I used these on pf10s for a long time and they work just fine.


Locktite is really easy to use, and it's like $4 for a tube. You can get it from any hardware store or places like target or kmart. You just put a drop on the threads, then screw in your axle. This will hold it in tight. The first time you took your wheels off, there was probably some blue gunk on the threads of the axle. This was locktite the company put on.

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start_today,yeah good pick up ,my bad.688 mini 608 reg. thanks for hooking him up in the right direction. sorry for that hockey77.

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