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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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socks to match this jersey

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Picked this up off ebay today. i wanted the newer jersey with the darker blue, but wasn't going to pay $90 for it. Either way, should match my warrior AK-27's ;).

Now i just need some socks. any suggestions?

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thanks for the link ^

yeah i'm liking 340. I couldn't find 328, 214, or 354 though. maybe i'm blind :D

Try rows 6 and 7.

thanks. told you i'm blind.

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910 and 911. With red helmet and pants and Capitals/Rangers gloves

Not sure how the red would work in there

Awesome jersey. I have a Nik Antropov one as well.

Yeah. I actually wanted one of the newer/darker blue ones, but i wasn't going to pay $80 - mostly because i'm not 100% sure not he quality of these jerseys.

Anyway, next up will be an avangard omsk jersey. i really wanted to buy one but didn't for the same reason as above, plus, that'd look like hell with blue/white/grey gloves :D. Its on once i get the cash for the jersey and the some black/red/white gloves.

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