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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salary cap goes up $100,000. Bettmans salary goes up $1.89 mil

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I wonder what his right-hand man, legal eagle Bill Daly makes. Obviously, Bettman is overpaid but then so are a lot of players in the NHL!!

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I wonder what his right-hand man, legal eagle Bill Daly makes. Obviously, Bettman is overpaid but then so are a lot of players in the NHL!!


NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly earned $1.78 million in total compensation for the 2007-08 fiscal year, giving him a 2.3 percent raise from the previous year. NHL Treasurer Craig Harnett, the only other officer and executive listed, earned $846,915 during the same period.

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